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Do you have an unresolved tax debt? Our team of experienced tax attorneys can help resolve your issues and give you some peace of mind.


We've got you covered in all 50 states


We handle IRS, state, and local tax problems nationwide. Call us for a free confidential consultation!

Business Team

Simple 3 step resolution process


Step 1 : Consultation

Our team of professionals will give you a free no-obligation consultation. We will take the time to learn about your case, strategize, and map out a plan.


Step 2 : Representation

Once retained you will never have to speak to the IRS or state tax agents again. We will be representing you from the beginning to the end of your case. 


Step 3 : Resolution

There are many resolution options and it will be based on your unique financial circumstances. Rest assured you are in the best hands and we will get you the best possible outcome!

Why choose us?

Rona Law Firm is committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive, and unparalleled service in the field of Tax Law.

Solutions to complex tax problems.

The firm is unique in that we focus on communication and collaboration to meet the individual needs of our clients and ultimately provide sustainable solutions to complex tax problems. 


Saved taxpayers millions of dollars

We have saved taxpayers millions of dollars in resolution throughout the many years in business.


Professional tax attorney

We are owned and operated by a professional tax attorney who has many years of experience in resolving tax problems. 


Impeccable ratings and reviews

We are proud to announce that we have excellent ratings and reviews from clients. Go ahead and Google us! 

Flat-rate fees

No hourly charges. No surprises. If you've called the IRS or state taxing agencies, you know that hold times range from 1.5-3 hours. It's not fair for the client to be charged for these long hold times. We only charge one flat rate fee, that's it! 


Get Tax Relief Help Now!

18411 Crenshaw Blvd. Suite 150C Torrance, CA 90504  |  Tel: 818.964.1829

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  • IRS tax liabilities

  • State and local tax liabilities 

  • Audit representation 



Rona Law Firm is dedicated to providing excellent legal services.

Attorney Profile


Ms. Rona is committed to resolving tax liabilities with IRS and state tax authorities. She works diligently to make sure that her clients obtain the best possible resolution. She is devoted to the ever changing complex tax laws. She works one-on-one with individuals and families across the U.S. and the world.


Previously, Ms. Rona interned at the Torrance Courthouse for the District Attorney's office. She has also offered her valuable time volunteering at the Legal Aid Foundation to assist low-income clients. Being trilingual, she is proficient in written and spoken English, Farsi, and Spanish. 

    University of West Los Angeles University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
    Witkin Award recipient for Criminal Procedure Witkin Award recipient for Legal Research & Writing Witkin Award recipient for Evidence Alan R. Freiman Scholarship recipient

Firm Specialty


  • Release bank levies

  • Release wage garnishments

  • Lien withdrawals

  • Transcript investigation

  • Audit representation

  • Penalty abatement

  • Offer in Compromise

  • Payroll (941) tax issues

  • Favorable Installment Agreements

  • FBAR/OVDP Offshore Reporting

  • Bankruptcy discharge analysis

  • Business liability representation 



  • Release of bank levies

  • Release of wage garnishments

  • Lien withdrawals

  • Transcript investigation

  • Penalty abatement 

  • Offer in Compromise

  • Installment Agreements 

  • Business tax liability representation

  • Audit representation



Offer in Compromise

Rona Law Firm will fully analyze your financial circumstances to determine whether or not you will qualify for an offer to settle you tax debt for less than the full amount you owe. Each case is unique so we consider your ability to pay, income, expenses, and equity in any assets.

Transcript Analysis

Rona Law Firm will contact the IRS under the Freedom of Information Act to obtain, investigate, interpret and analyze your Individual or Business Master File, Formal Transcripts, Income Data, and Records of Account for the years in question.

Statute of Limitations 

The date and age of your tax debt is an integral part of the resolution process. Each year has its own expiration date. Rona Law Firm will perform a complete “Collection Statute Expiration Date” (“CSED”) analysis to determine whether you can be relieved of your liability.  

Installment Agreement & Partial Pay Installments

Rona Law Firm will create a manageable monthly installment  agreement to pay off the liability within a reasonable period of time. Depending on your financial circumstances, you may even qualify for a payment plan that pays less than the total balance owed.

Innocent Spouse Relief

Many married taxpayers choose to file a joint tax return because of certain benefits this filing status allows them. When filing jointly, both taxpayers are jointly and severally liable for the tax and any additions to tax, interest, or penalties that arise from the joint return even if they later divorce. In some cases, however, a spouse can get relief from being jointly and severally liable.

Payroll Tax Problems

The IRS takes the failure to file and pay all payroll taxes and reporting requirements very seriously. Rona Law Firm's expertise in handling difficult payroll tax problems will be your best defense against aggressive IRS agents. 

Offshore Bank Accounts 

The purpose of the OVDP (Off-Shore Voluntary Disclosure Program) initiative is to help U.S. Taxpayers disclose previously unreported offshore accounts, assets, investments and income.

Rona Law Firm will properly declare any and all offshore bank accounts in an effort to avoid any criminal prosecution by the IRS.

Penalty Abatement

Allow Rona Law Firm to use its expertise in removing all or some of the penalties associated with your tax liability. Penalties eligible for relief include: failing to file a tax return, failing to pay on time, failing to deposit certain taxes as required, and other penalties as applicable.

Currently non collectible 

There are times where you agree you owe the IRS, but you can’t pay due to your current financial situation. If the IRS agrees you can’t both pay your taxes and your basic living expenses, it may place your account in Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status. While your account is in CNC status, the IRS generally won’t try to collect from you. 





818-964-1 TAX



(888) 856-4893


18039 Crenshaw Blvd.

Suite 208

Torrance, CA 90504



The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.

Get helpful tax tips 

See latest News

  • IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, I must inform you that any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this website is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter contained in this website.

  • Offer in Compromise

  • Installment Agreement

  • IRS tax lien

  • Wage Garnishment Release 

  • Tax Debt Resolution 

  • Tax Attorney

  • IRS Audit Representation

  • IRS Fresh Start Initiative 

  • Tax lawyer

  • Penalty Abatement 

  • IRS Attorney

  • Bank Levy Release

  • Income Tax Audits

  • Back Payroll Tax Resolution

  • Sales Tax Audits

  • Business Tax Audits

21515 Hawthorne Blvd.

Suite 200

Torrance, CA 90504


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